Why is it that some days I need so much validation? Am I really seeing all of these images? Is this all IMG_8807crazy? Am I crazy? So many times I have sought validation. And each time, it has come to me!

My sister in law Sharon was in town and she had a tight knot between her two shoulders causing her pain. I offered a Reiki treatment and she accepted. Two weeks later she sent me a lovely card thanking me for the treatment and letting me know that she was still free from the pain in her back.

It was so validating to receive in writing that the Reiki was effective. I truly can make a difference. I can facilitate healing with my Guides. This is real. I will keep Sharon’s card as a reminder when I feel a need for validation.

A little while back we stayed in a bed and breakfast in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I clearly saw and felt the image of a cat that would hang out in the breakfast room. After a few days, I finally asked Anna, the innkeeper, if there had been a cat in the history of their bed-and-breakfast.

She smiled and immediately told me the story of Don Diego, the black and white cat that lived for years as the proud mascot at the bed-and-breakfast. She laughed remembering the stories of Don Diego and how he would get stuck up in the apple tree requiring assistance to get down. She reminisced about how he knew who was a cat person and who was not; he would wait patiently outside the rooms of the guests who would welcome him with open arms.

As Anna was relaying her stories, I could feel Don Diego rubbing up against my legs, finally pleased that someone knew of his existence as spirit. Anna was sad that he had passed and said how much she missed him. I told her that while she missed him, he was actually not very far away. Yet one more experience of seeking validation and receiving it.

My need for validation has gotten less as I am able to validate myself and Spirit is always there to validate me as well. I believe in me. I believe in this journey. I believe in energy and I believe in Divine guidance. I have everything I need for my own validation.