
I was driving down the street and I saw a home that was under construction. To be more precise, the front door and front alcove were the only things still in existence. Behind the first 6 feet of the house was a hole in the ground where the previous home had stood. How interesting! From the front of the house, one could walk by and not even notice that everything behind the front was missing.

I stopped and thought about the transformation that I had been going through on a personal level. My personal growth, including my understanding of myself as intuitive, had resulted in a major reconstruction that I was not outwardly sharing with others. I was very much like this house. On the exterior, I looked the same as I always had. Meanwhile, everything emotionally and philosophically was completely under construction and I was not sure what it was going to look like when it was completed.

How many other people do I know that I see only the external facade and have no idea what internal reconstruction they are going through?