Recycle or Refuse?

Good vs bad? Low level frequencies vs Godly white light?

I had a client coming in who had a history of gravitating toward the darkness. Or maybe to be more exact, low level energies had a history of gravitating to him. Particularly when he was trying to stand in the light. Yep, there comes trouble. Was it because he was on the path to become a minister in an organized religion that the darkness thought, “… don’t want to lose this one? Go and get him, fellas!” Or because being uncomfortable with the man-made constraints of that organized religion he checked into white witchcraft for awhile? Somehow there was comfort in the darkness, but that comfort was shrouding for evil. No, neither the Godly religion, with it’s constructs and doctrine, or the total darkness felt correct for him.

Light vs dark

Good vs evil

A man in limbo. Called to the light but seduced by the darkness. Through his childhood and into adulthood, if he flew too close to the light of the divine, he was punished, assaulted by demons both emotionally and at times physically. Intense fear of retaliation from the dark left him frozen, unable and unwilling to answer the call from the heavens, He felt the pull from both sides. Constantly. Where to run? Nowhere to hide. A person can only busy themselves so as to not feel the constant pull for so long. Eventually, one has to stop running, or you will want to take your own life to stop the constant barrage against your soul.

As I was preparing for Michael to come over for a session I filled my home with God’s healing light and the white light of the Angels. I thought of the importance of having people who walk with you on your journey of gravitating to God’s light and not trying to stand completely on your own. It really is important to surround oneself with others who understand the struggles and can support and bolster your beliefs. I thought of my cousin who is a missionary in Africa, coming from a long line of missionaries and having been raised in Africa himself. I thought of the importance of him knowing, truly knowing, that he is backed by people who support him and believe in the same God that he does.

As I was getting ready for my morning, I got a strange desire to clean out my refrigerator. What? I removed expired yoghurt and outdated bottles of iced tea. I rinsed them out and took them outside to the recycle bin. Without thinking, I promptly dropped them in the trash can. What a bummer! As I sorted through the smelly refuse to pick out the recycling that I had so carefully prepared, I saw a visual of Michael, my upcoming client. I saw that my time with him today was to sort out those parts of his psyche that were worth claiming and keeping even though we had to dig in the “trash” or the low level energy to find them. The beautiful pieces of Michael’s soul that gravitated to the light needed to be picked out of the low level vibrations that frankly, I find repugnant.

And that is my job today. To help Michael recognize and hold onto those pieces of his life experiences that he wants to retain. We will work to remove the programming placed on him by religion as well as those of dark entities, so Michael can stand in his own truth… with no pull from either side. Michael will be able to find his way, create the life that he, and only he sees fit… and build a future around that.

God, envelop and protect me with your angels as we look directly into the darkness to deliver this man to the light.