I start every morning meditating while the rest of the family sleeps.  What a beautiful way to check in with my Spirit Guides, ground IMG_0078myself, and get a fresh start to each day.  This morning I posed a recurring question to my Guides: I know I am to be writing, but I just don’t know where all of this is heading.  I just don’t know what to do.  Just then Maddie, the puppy, barked to be let outside. I walked her outside across the backyard.

Back by the lake, I saw a goose pop its head up and stare directly at me.  She wasn’t afraid, and was very intent just looking right through me. Very few of the Canadian geese are still in town, most having already continued their journey. Any left have been staying back with an injured or ill companion, waiting either for a recovery or a death.

I did not see any other geese around. Why was this goose here? And why was she all alone? I immediately understood as I heard and felt: “I lost my partner. I am alone. I don’t know what to do.”  I immediately sent my answer: “You are safe here. Stay as long as you need.” However, I could not imagine this lone goose staying here by itself over the coming summer. Did I really think that she would be safe here?

As a true mother and teacher I started brainstorming on its behalf. I said, “You can wait for another goose, which might take a really long time (I am thinking months), or you can start flying. You actually know what to do.  Trust yourself.”

The goose and I had a stare down for about 30 more seconds. Then she let out a few hopeful goose calls, stretched and flapped her wings, and then took off toward the south. I smiled and thought, “That’s my girl!”

Then it hit me. I also knew what to do.  I headed back into the house and started writing.