Hope for Empaths

My beautiful friend came to me yesterday in the midst of a panic attack. She had been attending a large conference in town when she became engulfed with fear. She felt terrorized, vulnerable and weak, and abruptly removed herself from the situation.

She arrived at my home. I held her and could feel every fiber in her being shake; she felt so frail. I was told the word “empath” and understood all that label meant. Empaths feel everything that others feel because they are energetic sponges. They have no energetic barriers to separate them from the energy of every other person and have no way to filter or process the energetic influx.

We sat down so I could read her energy. I saw that she had no aura, energetically it lay crumpled at her feet. I quickly replaced her aura and taught her the basics of how to ground her energy. She told me that her father also has panic attacks and they have often commiserated on the helpless feeling and total overwhelm and incapacitation.

She and her father come from a long line of family members who have experienced intuition and reading energy. So it was no surprise that she was open to the energy of others, whether she intended to be or not. She is also intuitively attuned to nature and receives very strong energetic fluctuations with upcoming storms and shifts in the weather. She even had a premonition of an impending tornado that occurred a few hours later in the same site she was shown.

So what to do with all this energy coming her way? First of all, she needed to learn and embrace techniques for grounding her own energy that no longer served her, as well as the energy she had taken on that was never hers to own. After running her earth and cosmic energies, she cleared her chakras and filled her body and aura with divine healing light. Remembering to put up energetic roses for protection from the energies of others, and grounding her energy should bring her much needed peace from these energetic bombardments.