E Book Club Week 3

Learning to See with New Eyes

One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic



*Past lives

*Soul Contracts- puts things into perspective

*Threshold between lifetimes

*Healing Master

*Home Energy clearing

*Unwelcome energetic overlays on our behaviors

*Energy residues after people lave a room

*Phyllis- connecting with the deceased


Here is the link to Week 3 of Walking with Spirit. This show included the audio version of Chapter 3 Learning to See with New Eyes from One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic.


Below are the questions that were shared on the show. If you would like to share your answers with me, feel free to email them to me at openclinic1@gmail.com.

**Have you ever had such an immediate connection with someone that you wondered if you had known them in a previous life?

**Do you have anyone in your life that your relationship with them is so intense or complex that you wonder if you have a soul contract with them?

**Have you ever had any experiences in your home or business that made you wonder if there was a being hanging out there? What did you notice? How did it make you feel?


Journal your thoughts on the following:

***A shift in perspective: if you are a spiritual being having a physical experience- then so are others around you. List 2 people you are compatible with, and 2 you struggle with. Viewing them as spirits in     bodies, what might their purposes be in your life. What can you learn from them and how can you assist them with their learnings or their journeys??

***Think of a challenging relationship. Imagine you speaking with this person as a spirit before you came in to this life. What might your conversation have been when you outlined what your role in each others lives would be. What would you be teaching each other? If their behaviors were perfectly playing a role in your life, what role are they playing? What learnings are they providing?